Advance Planning
7 steps to Ease the Burden
You want to know that your passing will not overburden your family. End of life comes to us all and having the time and ability to reflect before making practical death care and memorial plans can inform your decisions. A well prepared end of life and care plan will reduce burden for your Executor and loved ones. It also helps you to know that your wishes have been documented, discussed and deliberately placed in an accessible location, with your other advanced care plans, for when the time requires.
The 7 Steps to Ease the Burden is a common sense planning tool for funeral planning. For those living with a future that will likely include palliative care, contemplation and direction for yourself and your loved ones, does ease the burden. If you are a family caregiver seeking information and a path for healthy planning, this tool will help to clarify your final care wishes.
The 7 Steps to Ease the Burden will help you create a budgeted plan without having to prepay.
The 7 Steps to Ease the Burden is available as either a fillable pdf download or as a hardcopy, mailed. It is laid out in an 8.5X11 format that fits tidily into a three ring binder.
Another available piece to the 7 Steps to Ease the Burden is an optional workshop. What this means is you can purchase the workbook and become familiar with it and then, if you’d like, I provide a two hour workshop to walk through the book providing insights and professional guidance.
Understand the options available to you for final death care, at end of life.
Set some parameters (budget and costs) around the costs of after life care.
Determine and document your practical body disposition choice: whether you’d like to be buried naturally or traditionally, cremated, or donated for research or medical purposes.
Identify and provide direction for a type of life commemoration event: whether you’d prefer a celebration of life, a memorial, a funeral, a home funeral or an alternative. I don’t believe “do nothing” is a good option.
Select a meaningful location for your final remains.
Provide catering direction, funeral card photo, quote or prayer, decor, songs, stories and more

“It had been on my mind for a long time. I work in hospitals and see the difference when families are not prepared and their love one has died. It's chaos! Well I found me a Death Lady and she was fantastic. Bonnie has just the right blend to guide a family through difficult end of life conversations. She was able to keep a room full of strong personalities all in line with honour and respect so that we could hear one another and I could be assured that my husband and my own wishes planned and agreed upon. We lovingly call her the Death Lady but really Bonnie is full of life, passion, and wisdom. Thank you Bonnie. I feel at peace knowing that my wishes will be done."
— Lee Andrus